Soul Crusher
Demon Sword “Soul Crusher” (魔剣「魂砕き」, maken 'tamashī kudaki), also known as the Sword of the Demon King,[1] is a legendary sword forged by the people of Kastuul. It has the power to destroy the soul beyond healing and was therefore intended as a weapon against demon kings—demons that exist as souls without a body. In Crystania, people who are killed with the sword, vanish forever and do not return even when a new cycle begins. The Demon Sword was sealed away in the Deepest Labyrinth, along with the demons. At some point, the Demon King came in possession of the Demon Sword.
When Duke Bruuk of Skard released the demons from the labyrinth, the Demon King also returned, wielding the Demon Sword. At the end of the Demon War, Beld managed to steal the sword from the Demon King and killed him with it. He kept the sword after the war. After Beld's passing, the sword came in possession of Ashram, who held until after the battle at Fire Dragon Mountain. Following his crushing defeat there, the sword was passed down to another Marmo general, Jhade. After Jhade's defeat, Ashram came in possession of the sword again and took it with him to Crystania, where Ashram's body fell under the control of the evil animal god Barbas, who then had access to the sword. During a showdown with Redon and his group, Sheru grabs the demon sword from Barbas and pierces him with it, leaving it inside him.
In The Grey Witch novel, it is stated that Soul Crusher causes its wielder to age more slowly, resulting in Beld looking much younger than he actually is[2].
In the Record of Lodoss War RPG Rulebook it is stated that the Kastuulian Gohr, the “Demon Magisterial”, created the Soul Crusher.
Known wielders[]
- In the Record of Lodoss War OVA the sword is some sort of opposite of the “Holy Sword,” a sword wielded by King Fahn of Valis. In the novel, however, Fahn wielded the Sword of Law.