Record of Lodoss War Wiki

"Decision... An Option Compelled" is the seventeenth episode of the 1998 anime series and the 30th episode when counting the original 13-episode OVA series.


In Western Lodoss, the kingdom of Moss is in the midst of a civil war. Duke Redrick, allied with Shiris, now a queen, commands the Dragon Eyes dragon riders and the kingdom will soon be reunified. In Alania, King Kashue's army defeats Duke Raster's army and then lays siege to the capital, Alan. When Raster refuses to surrender Kashue knows that this drawn out siege will tie up his forces away from the war against Marmo. In Valis Spark returns to the group and informs them of Jay. Garrack deduces that Jay commands a Marmo warship meaning that Valis will soon be attacked for the Staff of Life. However Spark is worried that he may disappoint Kashue for refusing his orders to return and also anger Etoh due to the groups's activities earlier, create a crack between the Flaim-Valis alliance without having any solid evidence to back up his theory. Just as they leave to the banquet, they realise Little Neese has gone to the temple where the staff is kept. Immediately, Spark realises the course of action to take and informs an understanding Etoh of what has transpired. At that point flames are seen near the Temple of Falis. The group rushes off to save Neese.


In order of appearance.


Screenshots from the episode.
