Record of Lodoss War Wiki

"Counterattack... The Stolen Last Hope" is twentieth episode of the 1998 anime series and the thirty-first episode on Lodoss when counting the original 1990 OVA series.


The group updates Parn about the situation regarding Little Neese and in turn update the group about the war. King Kashue has killed Duke Raster and Alania has fallen. King Etoh is leading a holy war to rid Valis of the Marmo and King Kashue has now mobilised his army towards Kanon. Spark leads an ambush by the free army on the Kanon supply lines but they are getting more heavily defended. Having successfully carried out the ambush the free army host a banquet later that night. After Little Neese heals a small wound on Spark the others tease them about their growing feelings for each other. At the banquet Ryna and Leaf get Spark and Little Neese to spend even more time together. As they are sharing a tender moment alone Wagnard himself appears and kidnaps Little Neese and now possesses all the components required to resurrect Kardis.


In order of appearance.


Screenshots from the episode.
