"Hero... The Birth of a New Knight" is the twenty-seventh episode of the 1998 anime series. It is the fourtieth episode overall and the final episode of the entire series. The ending of the series differs from that of the novel. For example, Karla and Wagnard are both defeated in the anime, however in the novel Karla is not present at the final events of the War of the Destroyer's Resurrection and Wagnard is not killed in battle.
The spirits are reaching the Lodoss mainland and begin killing the people there. King Etoh and a band of priests arrive to cast a protective light spell. Spark attempts to reach out to Little Neese but Kardis blocks him. In the spiritual plane, Naneel is confronted by Little Neese, her current reincarnation. Little Neese rejects hers and prays for Marfa to banish her but this only strengthens Kardis. Spark is drawn into the spiritual plane and meets Little Neese and Naneel. He tells Neese he will never give up on her and he wants her the way she belongs. Little Neese then accepts Naneel into her and, as the Doorway, this act of benevolence surrounds the evil power and allows Marfa to descend. Marfa gives Spark a choice: open the doorway allowing Marfa to be reborn and Lodoss can have eternal peace but Little Neese will be destroyed; or take back Little Neese and Lodoss will be as it was. Spark reasons that peace should be achieved by those who live there and opts to take back Little Neese. Little Neese is returned, Garrack is revived and a new light shines over Marmo and Leylia collects Karla's circlet. At the celebrations, Parn is named the Knight of Lodoss and King Kashue finally awards Spark his knighthood.
In order of appearance.
- Mycen
- Redrick
- Shiris
- Kashue
- Reona
- Naneel
- Spark
- Leaf
- Greevus
- Garrack
- Aldonova
- Slayn
- Leylia
- Parn
- Deedlit
- Kardis
- Etoh
- Little Neese
- Marfa
- Karla (circlet only)
Screenshots from the episode.