Record of Lodoss War Wiki

King... The Long Sought Hero (王...求められた英雄, ō...motomerareta eiyū) is the third episode in the 1998 anime series.


The group arrive and meet with King Kashue in the capital of Flaim, Blade, where there is a food shortage due to a large influx of refugees from western Flaim. They are fleeing the feeding grounds of Shooting Star, the fire dragon, who has taken to attacking the area. Kashue's forces are preparing to kill Shooting Star to free the region to ease the food shortages. Parn offers to help but Slayn points out that Abram, the dragon of Blue Dragon Island, may also have the Scepter of Domination and Ashram may be able to acquire it first. He suggests that Parn and Deedlit go with Kashue's army while the rest go to Blue Dragon Island, under the leadership of Orson as a way to help him overcome his berserker rages. Later that night Shiris dances with Parn, making Deedlit jealous. Kashue introduces Parn to Spark and suggests that Parn one day becomes the king of Alania and informs him that Etoh has become the king of Valis. Elsewhere, Hobb and Ashram's party survey the damage in western Flaim.



Screenshots from the episode.
