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Fog of Revenge is the fourth episode of Deedlit’s Tale and the fourth and final episode of “Choices”, the first book in the Deedlit’s Tale manga series.

The story is an adaptation of chapter 3 of the novel High Elf Forest: Deedlit’s Tale, which was an adaptation of the 1993 audio drama of the same name.


 The Forest of No Return had been opened years ago, and many people who were trapped there were able to return home, without having aged due to the forest's magic. One of these people was Strall, a noble from Kastuul, the ancient kingdom that collapsed centuries ago.

 Six months prior to the start of the story a mysterious mist appeared in the forest, which eventually grew to dense fog that can absorb life force, that the high elves believed to be of the "immortal beast". Six months later, Strall has attacked the forest with skeletons. Parn, Deedlit and Estas manage to defeat the skeletons and take out Strall.

 As the fog continues to grow, Deedlit proposes to weaken it using fire, but using the element's destructive power goes against the high elves' nature, who say Deedlit has changed because of her time in the human world. Strall confirms that the only thing that can destroy the fog is indeed fire, but if fire isn't used, the fog will cause the forest to wither. Drawing from her memories of Nardia's sacrifice during Flaim’s civil war, Deedlit summons a king spirit of fire, Phoenix. The king spirit harms the forest, but Deedlit learned that fire is not just about destruction, but also rebirth, and the forest will grow back.

Characters appearing[]

In order of appearance.

