Record of Lodoss War Wiki
Record of Lodoss War Wiki

The Hidden Treasure in the Ruins is the fourth episode of the Louie the Rune Soldier manga and the fourth episode of the first tankōban in the Louie the Rune Soldier manga series.

The chapter is called "The Hidden Treasure in the Ruins" on the content page of the English publication, but "Hidden Treasure in the Ruins" on the first page of the chapter.


 The party reaches the old ruins not too far from the highway. Because it's so nearby, Louie wonders if there could be any treasure left. Merrill spots what appears to be an opening, and marks it with her sword. Louie uses unlock magic to open a door to an underground stairway. Inside the ruins, Louie opens a door, but behind it is a horde of goblins. A fight ensues and Louie's magic wand snaps when he used it as a physical weapon.

Characters appearing[]

In order of appearance.

