Record of Lodoss War Wiki

Opening the Forest I is the fifth episode of Deedlit’s Tale and the first episode of “Forest of No Return”, the second and final book in the Deedlit’s Tale manga series.


 The story takes place in the kingdom of Kanon, ten years after it was conquered by Marmo. Parn, Deedlit, Maar, and Hobb are in the village of Karall, which is about to get a new, evil, lord. Some people are considering leaving to Flaim instead. Parn's party has also been followed and surrounde by Marmo, except to the north, where the Forest of No Return is. Deedlit suggests escaping via the forest, after she lifts its curse. Just like in the Tower of Dust Storms, where she travelled to the spirit world of the wind, Deedlit must now travel to the spirit world of the forest.[1]

 The villagers follow Parn and Deedlit into the forest, but there Parn gets taken by the curse. Deedlit then meets Leaf, who, due to being a half-elf, wasn't taken by the curse.[2] Together with Leaf, Deedlit goes to her village.[3]

Characters appearing[]

In order of appearance.


  1. Deedlit’s Tale, page 23
  2. Deedlit’s Tale, page 41
  3. Deedlit’s Tale, page 47