Record of Lodoss War Wiki
Shooting Star (Yutaka Izubuchi)

Shooting Star, one of the five dragons

The five chromatic dragons (五色の魔竜, goshiki no ma ryū), also referred to as “five dragons” or “five ancient dragons”[1] are five ancient dragons domesticated by the ancient kingdom of Kastuul and cursed by them to guard the magical treasures of the last royal governor of Kastuul. These treasures are also known as the Governor’s Treasures. If anyone would came near a treasure the dragon would feel intense pain throughout his body.


Abram (RoLW RPG Replay 2)

Abram, the water dragon. Illustration from RPG Replay 2.

Abram (エイブラ, eibura) was an ancient dragon who was cursed by the last governor of Kastuul to guard the Soul Crystal Ball, the artifact that can restore life, on Blue Dragon Island to the north of Raiden. Also referred to as the “water dragon”, Abram was an aquatic blue scaled dragon whose wings and forelimbs had evolved into fin-like appendages. Abram was incapable of flight, but excelled at swimming under water. Abram was slain by Ashram and his followers. The group was looking for the Scepter of Domination and gambled Abram might be the dragon to guard it. Having just woken up from a long slumber Abram couldn't fight at full strength and was killed.


Bramd (ブラムド, buramudo), also known as the “ice dragon”, was the guardian of the Mirror of Truth, the ancient treasure that can answer all questions. Bramd resided with the treasure in the White Dragon Mountains in the north of Alania. At some point the Governor’s curse was lifted by the Marfa Priestess Neese, after which Bramd aligned himmself with Neese and the Marfa sect. Neese also gained a new title, “Dragon Tamer”. During the midst of the War of the Demon King, and then again just before the War of Heroes, the Mirror of Truth was stolen by Karla. The first time it was returned to the Temple of Marfa, but on the second occasion, it was regained by Parn and his allies. Bramd was slain by Ashram in his quest for the Scepter of Domination. Bramd was in hibernation when he was killed.


Mycen (マイセン, maisen) is a dragon with golden scales from the clan of light dragons. Mycen fought alongside the gods of light in the War of the Gods. Amongst the creatures that still exist on Lodoss, Mycen is the strongest. During the Demon War, Mycen’s curse was lifted due to the combined efforts of Duke Mycen of Highland, Wort, and Neese. Mycen became an ally for the duchy of Highland since that day and as proof of their friendship, Duke Mycen offered the dragon his name to share. Before this, Mycen was referred to as “Golden Dragon King” (金鱗の竜王, kin uroko no ryū ō) or just “dragon”. Mycen was charged with protecting the Staff of Life, which was handed over to Duke Mycen and then to the kingdom of Valis. Mycen still resides in the Albora Mountains of the Moss Region.


Narse (ナース, nāsu) is an ancient dragon who has lived for centuries, fighting even alongside the gods of darkness in the Ancient War of the Gods. When the ancient kingdom of Kastuul was about to fall, governor Saluvan cursed Narse with the protection of the Ferronnière of Knowledge on Marmo. Narse's power is similar to that of Abram, but surpasses Bramd's.

Shooting Star[]

Shooting Star (Fire Dragon Mountain 1)

Shooting Star in Demon Dragon of Fire Dragon Mountain I

Shooting Star (シューティングスター, shūtingusutā), als known as a “demon dragon” due to his red scales and fierce temper, resided on Fire Dragon Mountain in the northwest of Lodoss, where he protected the Scepter of Domination. The dragon acted in accordance to a cycle of dormant and active periods. During the dormant period, he slept near the crater of Fire Dragon Mountain. However, during his active periods, the dragon would fly to the grasslands to the west of the Kingdom of Flaim, known as the Fire Dragon’s Hunting Grounds, where he mercilessly attacked any humans that were in the area, while hunting for prey. The fire produced from the breath of Shooting Star was extremely deadly. Except for the king spirits and the Demon King, Shooting Star was said to have been the strongest creature that existed on Lodoss Island. Shooting Star was slain due to the combined efforts of King Kashue, Ashram and Parn in Ashram’s quest for the Scepter of Domination.


  • The booklet that comes with the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight DVD boxset says that Mycen is female. This is the only official source to make this claim. None of the novels or world guides have ever stated the sex of Mycen, or any of the five chromatic dragons.

In the novels...

  • ...the fight between Narse and Mycen on Marmo, as seen in the latter episodes of the 1990 OVA and 1998 TV series, did not occur.
  • ...Narse was not summoned by Karla to fight against Spark, Parn and their companions.


  1. Episode 24, Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight