Ghim (ギム, Gimu) is a dwarf warrior who wields a doubleheaded axe. Seems to blame himself for the disappearance of the priestess Leylia, and it's usually up to his good friend Slayn to give him reassurance in one form or another. Then, when Karla appears, Ghim recognizes the face as Leylia's.
Realizing that Leylia has been possessed, Ghim ultimately sets out alone to challenge Karla and free Leylia from the Grey Witch's control. Fortunately for him, Ghim will not stand alone in this fight, even if that's not what he wants. In the face of Karla's awesome power, it is this team effort that finally allows Ghim to free Leylia from Karla's dreaded circlet, an act which would prove to be his final and redeeming act.
Originally a miner in his home of the Iron Kingdom, Ghim had been injured in a cave-in. He was taken to the Temple of Marfa in Tarba to be healed by the priests. Here, the daughter of the High Priestess, Neese, cared for him. Leylia nursed him back to health and the two became good friends.
About a year later, Leylia mysteriously vanished from the Temple. For seven years, Neese waited for word of her daughter, but Ghim grew tired of waiting. He left home in search of Leylia, promising to bring her back to her mother. He came to the village Zaxon, seeking help from Slayn, the Sage of the North. The two men decided to head out on their journey, but before they were able to leave, Zaxon fell under attack by goblins. After the fight, Slayn and Ghim joined up with Parn and Etoh on their quest. Later, they were joined by the elf Deedlit and the thief Woodchuck.
Along their journey, Ghim discovered Leylia had been kidnapped by the witch Karla. Karla was using Leylia’s body as her own. When the final battle of the War of Heroes was finished, the six joined forces again to free Leylia from Karla. They came to the silent swamp and made their way into the fallen palace of Kastuul where Karla resides. A battle of magic and swords for Leylia, and Ghim weathered his way through one of the witch’s attacks to hurl his axe at the circlet on Leylia’s head. His axe flew true and knocked the band off Leylia’s head, freeing her from Karla. However, Karla’s final spell had killed Ghim before he could see Leylia free. He left Leylia with wooden comb he had carved for her.
Ghim’s body was taken from the swamp and laid to rest down the road. Only his axe was left to mark his grave.