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Jhade (ジアド, Jiado) is a general of Marmo's Knights of Darkness and the main antagonist of the second chapter of Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War. He is called the Vermillion General. In 515 NRC he is sent to the city of Adan, a city in Valis territory conquered by the Marmo since the War of Heroes, and relieve the current governor. He adopts cruel governship, taking the cities riches and resources and murdering a discontent squad captain in cold blood.[1]

At the time, Ashram and Groder are under his command. Ashram had lost favour with the Marmo Council following his defeat at Fire Dragon Mountain, and is mentally crushed. His men want the "old" Ashram back and want him to replace Jhade, but Ashram shows no interest. Taking any action against Jhade could be perceived by the Marmo Council as treason. Ashram's sword, the Demon Sword “Soul Crusher”, has also been passed down to Jhade since his defeat.[2]

Meanwhile, King Etoh of Valis, with help from Parn, Deedlit, Slayn, Hobb and Maar, attempts to retake the city from the Marmo. Because of one of Slayn's ploys, Jhade comes to believe that King Etoh has fallen in battle with one of his dark elves. He decides to go all out against Valis in the next battle, who he expects will be low in morale with the loss of their king (and a general previously). However, as Etoh is still alive, the Valis forces fight with vigour and energy and eventually beat the surprised Marmo army. Jhade attempts to return to his headquarters in Adan, but the people refuse to let him in. He asks Etoh for a duel, but Etoh refuses. He asks if Etoh will take him prisoner, but Etoh tells Jhade that he will let the people of Adan decide his fate. If he governed them well, he will have nothing to be afraid of and the people will spare him. If he did not govern them well, he may go to the afterlife. Eventually Jhade disappears amidst a sea of raging citizins of Adan.[3] The novel does not specify his fate, but since he does not appear again, it is safe to assume the people Adan killed him.


  1. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 147 (fan translation).
  2. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 144 (fan translation).
  3. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 193 (fan translation).