Record of Lodoss War Wiki

Leaf (リーフ, Rīfu) is a half-elf who will outlive many ordinary humans. Shunned by both elves and humans Leaf leads a hard life. Her father was an elf and her mother was a human. Her father died defending her from dark elves. Her mother went to seek revenge, so she sent Leaf to live with her aunt. Like all elves, half elves are also granted the powers of Shamanistic magic. Therefore, she becomes a great resource to her team. She's also a very good friend of Deedlit and isn't persecuted by her for being a half-elf.


 Leaf was born in Kanon to a human mother and elven father of the Kanon forests. They were both adventurers, and fell very deeply in love. They settled down to raise their daughter in the Kanon village of Karall, but early in her childhood, Leaf’s father was killed by dark elves. Her mother vowed revenge and left Leaf in the care of her sister so she could hunt down her husband’s murderers. She never returned.

 As a child, Leaf was teased by the other children, but she always rose above it. Though her parents were absent, she relied on their love. She knew her father was dead, but she always held out hope that her mother was still alive, however unlikely it was. In Leaf’s early teens, the village she lived in with her aunt, Karall, was razed by the Marmo. Her aunt was killed, but Leaf and the surviving villagers were led to safety by Parn, Deedlit, and the Kanon free army. In their escape, it became necessary for the refugees to pass through the Forest of No Return. For the entire journey, Leaf had covered her ears, making her half-elven nature a secret. When the refugees entered the Forest, they all became trapped by the forest’s curse, except for Deedlit and Leaf.

 Deedlit had never encountered a half-elf before and was quite intrigued, especially since she had entertained the thought of one day having a child with Parn. Deedlit brought Leaf to the high elf village where she intended to convince the elder to release the curse so the refugees could pass through. The other high elves were curious and apprehensive about Leaf, but she surprised them all with her unfaltering positive attitude, despite the hardships she endured as a half-elf in human society.

 All ended well for the refugees in the Forest of No Return. Deedlit tutored Leaf in shamanism before they parted ways, and Leaf went onto Flaim. With no family, the half-elf had to turn to mercenary work at the young age of fourteen. She still hoped to find her mother, as well as Deedlit and Parn, and hopefully, a dashing knight of her own. She found a place in the Blade Mercenaries’ Guild and did a few odd jobs, during one, she met Garrack. They developed a sort of love-hate relationship during their time together.

 When the Soul Crystal Ball was stolen from Castle Akroyd, Leaf was hired by King Kashue to help Spark recover it. There, she joined up again with Garrack as well as Spark, a priest of Myrii Greevus and sorcerer Aldonova. They made their way through the desert on the trail of the Ball and stayed in a fort on their first night, and when they arrived, Greevus was approached by a woman claiming to be a mercenary whose partner had been injured by dark elves—the very dark elves that had stolen the Soul Crystal Ball.

 Greevus tried to heal the injured mercenary, only to discover that he had been cursed with an insidious dark spell. Trying to heal him caused his body to erupt into a hydra that reeked havoc upon the fort, and Leaf and her companions fought to defeat it. However, they learned they had to kill the host body to destroy the hydra. With reluctance, Spark went in to kill Randy, the afflicted mercenary, while the group tried to fend off the heads. Leaf was struck by one, throwing her into a wall. When she came too, a young Marfa priestess had purified Randy and ended the assault of the hydra. The girl, Little Neese, was the daughter of Slayn and Leylia, and claimed to be following “a dark nightmare.” Ryna, the female mercenary, with the intention to avenge her partner joined the group, as did Little Neese.

 With their new companions, the group set out on the trail of the dark elves, and soon caught up to them in the grasslands. The dark elves split up, as did the group. Leaf gave chase alone, and was able to kill one when he tried to hide in a lake, but he didn’t have the crystal ball. After rejoining with her companions, she found that Ryna had been mortally wounded, and no one had found the crystal ball. Little Neese healed Ryna, but she had lost so much blood that she needed to rest. With heavy hearts, the group headed for Hilt where Spark was charged with a new mission; to take a letter to King Etoh.

