Record of Lodoss War Wiki
Spirits (Sword World RPG World Guide)

Several spirits by Yoshitaka Amano. Illustration from Sword World RPG World Guide.

The following is a list of spirits. Spirits (精霊, seirei) are beings that live in the spirit world and give their energy to all living things in the parallel material world. Spirits can't survive in the material world. When they expire, they will immediately return to the spirit world. Most of the spirits only appear in the material world when they are summoned by shamans. Once they've fulfilled their task they return to the spirit world. Some spirits, however, will become incensed when called into the material world and will only return to the spirit world after they have been defeated or spent all their magical power.

Among spirits there are also king spirits (精霊王, seirei-ō, sometimes translated as "high(er) spirit" or "great spirit"), a rare superior type of spirit. They are very difficult for shamans to bring under their control and may even require covenants to be formed before they submit. Even after forming a covenant it remains difficult to summon them. King spirits are responsible for many natural disasters in the world, such as earthquakes and tsunamis.


  • Banshee (バンシー banshī) is the spirit of sorrow (や悲しみ).
  • Behemoth is the king spirit of earth,
    Behemoth, king spirit of earth (Lodoss TV episode 7)

    Behemoth, king spirit of earth. Screenshot from episode 7 of the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV series.

    also known as the earth demon. The spirit takes the form of a giant elephant-like creature. Behemoth is responsible for tremors and earthquakes. A behemoth appears in episode 7 of Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight tv series, when he is summoned by Astar, a member of Ashram's party, outside Fire Dragon Mountain during a battle against Kashue's party.
  • Brownies are helpful spirits that have been known to become attached to shamans that use them as house servants for over fifty years. They are translucent dwarves that are so small they can fit in the palm of an adult human's hand. When their master leaves the building or dies, they become mad spirits. They can sometimes be found in old mansions or abandoned cottages.


  • Dryads are plant spirits. They appear as elf maidens with long hair made of leaves that wraps around their bodies.


  • Ent is king spirit of the forest. The spirit has the appearance of a naked, dark-skinned male elf, whose body is entwined in foliage. Ent is the entity that is responsible for all forests in Forcelia.


  • Fenrir (フェンリル, Fenriru) is the king spirit of ice (氷の精霊王, kōri no seirei-ō) and also called the Demon Wolf of Ice and Snow (氷雪の魔狼, hyōsetsu no ma ōkami). The spirit takes the form of a white wolf. Fenrir is responsible for blizzards and avalanches.
  • Louie, Genie and ice spirits (Rune Soldier manga 4)

    Louie and Genie surrounded by several Frau. Illustration from the Louie the Rune Soldier manga.

    Fraus are the spirits of ice that appear in places with snow or ice. They appear as frosty white, small, naked elf maidens. Their lower bodies are invisible.


  • Gnomes are spirits of the earth. They look like small transparent dwarves with grey rocky skin.


  • Hyuri, the spirit of anger (Lodoss TV episode 1)

    Hyuri taking possession of Orson. Screenshot from episode 1 of the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV series.

    Hyuri (ヒューリー, hyūrī) is a hollow spirit that controls anger (怒り). It can take humans as vessels, then as the host can possess them. The human will then take on a monstrous appearance with white eyes and enlarged mouths. The human vessel is imbued with increased power and a lack of fear; these individuals are known as berserkers.


Main article: Ifrit
  • Ifrit is the king spirit of fire. The spirit represents the destructive force of the element. He appears as a red giant wrapped in crimson flames.


  • Jinn (ジン, jin) is the king spirit of wind. Jinn manifests as the figure of a translucent giant, whose lower body defends into a whirlwind. Jinn is responsible for hurricanes and tempests. Jinn appears in episode 7 of the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight anime, where he is summoned by Deedlit to counter Behemoth, a king spirit summoned by Astar. In the dub he is called "Iruku" (イルク, Iruku). In the subtitles his name written as Ikuul and Iruuk. Jinn also appears in Welcome to Lodoss Island! episode 5, where his name is spelled "I-Luuk" in the sub.


  • Kraken is the king spirit of the ocean. The spirit presents itself as a muscular giant with a fin and webbed hands, it has the lower half of an octopus. Kraken is responsible for tsunamis and whirlpools.


  • Leprechaun (レプラコーン, repurakōn) is a spirit of the psyche that control confusion and curiosity (好奇心). They are miniature translucent demon looking creatures with small horns protruding from their foreheads, and they also have pointed ears. The leprechaun plays a big role in the titular story of Sword World Short Stories: A Leprechaun’s Tears.


  • Nihil is a mysterious king spirit that takes hold of the darkness in a person's heart, causing nightmares.


  • Phoenix is a king spirit of fire. It manifests as the figure of a giant fire bird that symbolises the regeneration aspect of the element. Phoenix is said to only appear once every five hundred years. It is unclear what the relationship Phoenix and the other king spirit of fire, Ifrit, have.
  • Puck is a spirit of the psyche that control embarrassment. Their appearance cannot be specified, but they have been said to resemble a leprechaun.


  • Salamander is the spirit of fire, also known as "fire lizards". They look like transparent lizards or geckos made of burning flames. Salamanders can breath flame and can take the shape of balls of fire.[1]
  • Sandman or “sand dwarf” are spirits of the psyche that control sleep. They are gender-less translucent naked children.
  • Shade (シェイド, sheido) is the spirit of darkness and of fear (恐怖). It cover its surroundings in complete darkness. It is said that Shades instil terror on whatever they touch.
  • Sylph, spirit of the wind (Lodoss TV episode 1)

    Sylph, the spirit of the wind. Screenshot from the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV series.

    Sylph (シルフ, shirufu) is the spirit of wind. They appear as a pale, tiny translucent naked elf woman, with their lower bodies dissolving into the air, rendering their legs invisible.


  • Undine - the spirit of water (Lodoss OVA episode 4)

    Undine, the spirit of water. Screenshot from the Record of Lodoss War OVA.

    Undine (ウンディーネ, undīne) is a translucent figure made of water and the spirit of water. They appear is young maidens.


  • Lejuah and Valkyrie (SWSS9)

    Valkyrie (top). Illustration from Sword World Short Stories: Valkyrie’s Spear.

    Valkyrie (バルキリー, barukirī) are spirits of the psyche that control the courage of those that fight in conflicts. Shining a brilliant white, they look like brave female warriors dressed in armour.


  • Leaf with Will-o’-Wisps (Lodoss TV episode 16)

    Leaf with two Will-o’-Wisps. Screenshot from the Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV series.

    Will-o’-Wisp (ウイル・オーウイスプ, u~iru ōu~isupu) is the spirit of light and look like pale transient spheres floating in the air.


  1. The Grey Witch, pp 199.