Record of Lodoss War Wiki

The following is a list of wars that took place on Lodoss.

War of the Gods[]

see also: War of the Gods

Though this technically did not take place on Lodoss, it is mentioned here because it created Lodoss.

Fall of Kastuul[]

The hubris of the sorcerers of Kastuul led to the fall of Kastuul long before Lodoss was founded. They attempted an experiment beyond their limits, resulting in the destruction of their kingdom. Barbarians attacked the collapsed kingdom and in the battle that ensued all sorcerers, except three, were killed.

War of the Destroyer’s Priestess[]

A war (name unknown?) initiated by Naneel, a priestess of Kardis, the goddess of destruction. Naneel's treachury was ended by Kadomos, the founding king of Alania.

Demon War[]

see also: Demon War

Also referred to as the War of the Demon King. A group of seven fought against the Demon King. Six returned and became known as the Six Heroes of Lodoss.

War of Heroes[]

see also: War of Heroes

The war that was triggered by Karla and pitted Emperor Beld of Marmo and King Fahn of Valis, two of the Six Heroes, against each other.

Parn and some of his companions fought in this war. In the Grey Witch novel, Parn, Deedlit, Slayn, and Etoh go to the battlefield; in the 1990 OVA anime, Parn, Deedlit, and Woodchuck go to the battlefield.

The final outcome of the war does not differ between the OVA and the novel, but the death of Beld is different. In both versions, Beld narrowly kills Fahn in their duel. In the novel, Kashue challenges Beld to single combat, but dishonors the rules of single combat when one of his soldiers fires an arrow at Beld, distracting him long enough for Kashue to behead him. In the OVA, Beld is killed when Karla sends a spear from above, impaling him and ensuring that her idea of balance on Lodoss prevails.

Flaim civil war[]

An ongoing civil war between the Fire tribe and the Wind tribe that culminates in The Fire Demon with the union of the two tribes under King Kashue's leadership.

War of the Destroyer’s Resurrection[]

see also: War of the Destroyer’s Resurrection

The war that Spark and his companions got involved in, primarily revolving around Wagnard's plot to use Little Neese, the Doorway, and the Staff of Life and the Scepter of Domination to resurrect Kardis.

This war also saw the unification of all countries of Lodoss against Marmo, as a result of several smaller wars across the continent. The Alanian uprising against Duke Raster and the war for Kanon's liberation resulted in purging Marmo influence and occupation from the mainland of Lodoss island and driving them back onto Marmo.

Second War of the Destroyer’s Resurrection[]

The war fought by Spark and his companions on Marmo in the Next Generation series.

War of King Diaz of Flaim[]

A war not yet officially named. About 100 years since the Second War of the Destroyer’s Resurrection, King Diaz of Flaim ends 100 years of peace by attempting to conquer all of Lodoss.
