Record of Lodoss War Wiki
Record of Lodoss War Wiki

Record of Lodoss War 7: The Holy Knight of Lodoss 2 is the seventh novel in the Record of Lodoss War series and continues to adapt from Record of Lodoss War RPG Replay III. It follows the proceeding adventures of Spark, a knight in training from Flaim, and his companions, Garrack, Leaf, Greevus, Ryna, Aldonova, and Little Neese, and also features Parn and Deedlit assisting in helping Kanon to independence.

In the afterword of book 6, Mizuno wrote that he intended Parn (and Deedlit) to be the main characters again for this novel, after switching to Spark for the previous novel. However, Spark remained the protagonist and Parn appeared only in key moments of the story. Mizuno explained that the story of Parn and Deedlit is now finished and he has no intention of writing another story for them (besides the side-story collection High Elf Forest: Deedlit’s Tale, which was already in development at the time).[3] They do appear in later novels, but as supporting characters.

The Holy Knight of Lodoss 2 was adapted into the Chronicles of the Heroic Knight anime and manga.


Characters appearing[]



Artwork from the novel by Yutaka Izubuchi.


  1. 1.0 1.1 KADOKAWA, "ロードス島戦記 7 ロードスの聖騎士(下)"
  2. KADOKAWA, "新装版 ロードス島戦記 7 ロードスの聖騎士(下)"
  3. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Holy Knight of Lodoss II. Afterword.