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Record of Lodoss War 5: The Kings’ Holy War is the fifth novel in the Record of Lodoss War novel series. It takes place about a week after the events of The Demon Dragon of Fire Dragon Mountain 2, in the autumn of 515 NRC, and follows the adventures of Parn, Deedlit, and Shiris in Moss, Valis, and Kanon.

This book and The Fire Demon are the only two main Record of Lodoss War novels that never received an anime adaptation, although elements of the third chapter, where Parn meets the Kanon free army and Prince Reona, were present in the Chronicles of the Heroic Knight anime, albeit in very different fashion.


 One week after the defeat of Shooting Star and Ashram, Parn and the others have taken refure in Raiden. Parn is having a discussion with Slayn, instigated by King Kashue, about the civil war in Alania and Parn becoming the kingdom's next king, but Parn is not interested in such a position—he wants to remain free in his choices. Parn, instead, tells Slayn to take up the position, but Slayn believes people in general are still sort of fearful of sorcerers. Parn says he will move on like he has done so far and intends to visit Moss, Valis and Kanon, searching for Woodchuck and Karla. Slayn and Kashue hope Parn will change his mind when he sees the current state of those countries.[3] Half a day later Parn, together with Slayn, Deedlit, Maar, Hobb, and Shiris, head to the duchy of Highland in Moss. Leylia and Cecil return to the village Zaxon in Alania.[4]

 When Parn and the others arrive in Highland, they meet with the ill Duke Jester to hand him a letter from King Kashue, requesting a triple alliance of Flaim, Moss and Valis, to fight Marmo. Moss had been in a state of civil war since the War of Heroes. When Moss sent troops to the war, Duke Wehner of “Dragon Scale” Venon invaded “Dragon Flame” Harken, massacred the royal family, and proclaimed himself King of Moss. Now, five years later, Wehner controls most of Moss. As such, Jester cannot accept Kashue's proposal. He explains Venon also has a fire giant, a species of ancient giants, on their side. He asks Parn to tell Kashue to give him time to solve the troubles in Moss.[5]

 With this message, Parn and the others leave towards Valis. Because they are now in Venon territory, they stay away from the main roads and continue along a path that leads to the village of Uzu, a village that Parn remembers when he travelled to Wort’s tower five years ago.[6] As they continue, they stumble upon a ruin of the ancient kingdom of Kastuul. Did Karla release the fire giant? When the party continues, they encounter a group of Venon soldiers and decide to run away into a nearby forest. During this event, Shiris gets separated from the others. In the forest she meets a man who calls himself “Red,” who also seems to be hiding from the Venon soldiers. When the soldiers are gone, Red asks if he can hire Shiris as a mercenary and Shiris accepts.[7]

 Thanks to Deedlit, who summoned Ent, the king spirit of the forest, Parn and the others were able to escape their Venon pursuers. They decide to look for Shiris and head into the direct she ran to and eventually find her dagger. That night, Shiris and Red have found their way to the ancient ruins from before. Their plan is to infiltrate the ruins, which are guarded by Venon soldiers, and obtain a magic sword from the time of the Ancient Kingdom. In case of emergency, Red has a flute with him that he can use to call for help. After Red takes out one sentry, his focus turns to noise coming from the direction from which they came. As Red attempts to sneak up behind who appears to be the leader of the group, Shiris suddenly recognizes the man; it is Parn.[8] Now that the group has reunited, Parn wants to get out and continue their journey, but Shiris informs him of the deal she made with Red. Thus, the party decides to go with Red into the ruins and, thanks to Maar, the party manages to get inside a fort of the ancient ruins.

 After entering the fort, the party eventually stumbles a huge building with double doors far exceeding the size of a human and magically sealed. Thanks to Slayn the door is opened, just in time as a great number of Venon soldiers were approaching. With the interior being huge, like the double doors, Hobb deduces the ruin is a temple for a giant.[9] Red reminds everyone they are here to find an ancient sword, and the party moves on until, much deeper in the ruin, they come into a large room with enormous open shackles attached to the wall. On the opposite wall was a fresco displaying a gigantic humanoid creature. It dawns on Parn that these are the dark ruins where once an ancient giant was sealed. Slayn requests Redrick, speaking to Red, to reveal his real name and purpose. Slayn had figured Red out because of a ring Red had given Shiris, which had the Highland coat of arms on it.[10]

 After some talk and discussion following Redrick's acknowledgement of Slayn's allegation, Redrick says the sword he is looking for is a sword called the “Giant Killer,” and was created by the Kastuulians to kill giants. By the time the sword was forged, giants were already under the control of the Kastuulians, and they had imprisoned their king. The sword was forged for the unlikely event the giant king would break free. Maar wonders who freed the giant and Slayn replies “A witch...”[11] the party traverses deeper into the ruins, fighting some gargoyles and a mucous monster along the way, until they come into a room where Maar discovers a secret handle, which reveals a passage that leads to a set of double doors. Parn opens the doors and the party finds themselves inside a treasure room. Among the riches, they find the Giant Killer sword and Redrick takes it.[12]

 The party decides to take a rest. Shiris and Redrick, however, can't sleep. Shiris had been angry with Redrick since his true identity was discovered. Redrick does another apology attempt, though he is not sure what exactly he should apologise for. Shiris laughs and accepts his apology. When the party awakens, they hear Venon forces trying to open the door using a ram. Because Redrick has a dragon flute with him, which he can use to summon allies, the party decides to let Slayn lift the magic seal on the door, so that Redrick's flute can be heard by his allies outside, while the party goes on the defensive, trying to hold out until the allies arrive. Initially Slayn throws the enemy in disarray with his magic, and a dagger thrown by Maar ends the Venon captain's life. The Venon forces, however, keep coming, forcing the party deeper into the ruins until they are pinned down by the enemy. At that moment, one of Redrick's allies, a Dragon Knight called Raud, finally arrives, riding a dragon, forcing most of the enemy forces to scatter. The remaining soldiers are dealt with by Parn and the others.[13]

 Redrick tells Raud that he acquired the Giant Killer sword. They will also mobilize about a hundred soldiers from to border to their current location, as they expect Venon to return with more troops, as well as the ancient giant. Redrick summons his own dragon, which arrives some time later alongside another Dragon Knight, Jace. Four days later the sighting of the giant is reported.[14]

 During the fight with the giant, the Highland ballistae prove to have no effect. In turn, the giantis able to throw much larger rocks to the Highlanders, easily crushing their walls. Moreover, the Venon troops outnumber the Highland troops. Redrick, Raud and Jace try to fight the giant from the sky, riding their dragons, but giant jumps up, grabs Raud and his dragon, and kills both of them.[15] Redrick manages to strike the giant with the ancient sword, but it has no effect on the giant at all. Sometime later, Jace is also killed in battle with the giant, but her dragon survives. Maar suddenly recalls that when they found the ancient sword, it rested on a plaque which had an inscription. He and Slayn rush back into the ruins to find and decipher it. When they return, they tell Redrick that the sword is not meant to strike the giant, but to serve as a catalyst for magic. They tell Redrick to place the sword in the ground, speak the magic word, and move away from the giant. Meanwhile, the giant has noticed Redrick, who then attempts to squash Redrick with his foot. Redrick plunges the sword in the ground, recites the magic word he received from Slayn, and hurries away. The shatters into thousands of splinters, so small together they form a mist. The mist wraps around the giant, completely shrouding it in white. The power of ice within the sword seriously weakened the fire giant. Slayn then finishes the giant with a forbidden snowstorm spell. With the giant dead, and Redrick still in possession of a dragon, the tides of the battle change and eventually Highland would come out the victor of this encounter.[16]

 Three days later, Redrick tells Parn he should become a Dragon Knight, but Parn declines. Slayn proffers the King of Alania debate, and Redrick tells Parn that, if Parn becomes Alania's king, the two kingdoms would have good relations. But Parn says he will not become king. He tells Parn that if Parn ever needs his help, he just needs to come to Overcliff Castle. As the conversation concludes, the party goes on their way to Valis. However, Shiris does not follow them. She stays with Redrick. Shiris offers Redrick the ring she gave him, because his mission is now complete, but Redrick tells her to keep it because he wants her as his wife. Redrick has some doubts about taking her with him, because of her unknown background, but Shiris explains she is the daughter of Weimar Lacasa, a noble of Kanon.[17]

 Sometime later, Parn and his companions arrive in Roid, the capital city of Valis, to meet with King Etoh, Parn's childhood friend. Etoh had become king of Valis about three years ago. He is the first king not chosen from among the finest of Holy Knights, a tradition established by Valis' founding king Asnaam, but among the warrior-priests of the Temple of Pharis. Parn, excited to see Etoh again, relays to him King Kashue's request for an alliance, but Etoh coldly refuses. Parn leaves the room surprised and dishearted, not only because of Etoh denying Kashue's request, but also because of his cold demeanor towards Parn, Slayn and Deedlit. Parn noticed that Etoh's response to Kashue's request was the same as Jester's: they will solve their own problems. He now understood why: the two rulers are not convinced Kashue can be trusted and allying with him would make Flaim, already the dominant force in Lodoss, even stronger.

 Later, a servant of Etoh inquires about Parn and the others' relation to King Kashue, and they tell him that they're not serving Flaim, just relaying a message. The man then takes them to the Room of Silence, a secluded room in the palace, where Etoh welcomes them with almost the same smile as all those years ago. He explains he was just behaving like a king earlier, in the presence of many Valis officials, but now he is just Etoh. Etoh explains he is planning to take back the city of Adan from Marmo, but struggles with acceptance from his soldiers because of him not having been a Holy Knight, nor even being from Valis. Parn wants to help, but not as Holy Knight. He receives a post as commander of mercenaries.[18]

 In Adan, a general of Marmo called Jhade, has come to relieve the current governor of Adan and takes the position himself, as per the Marmo Council's orders. Serving him are Groder and Ashram. The latter is mentally struggling since the showdown at Fire Dragon Mountain. The sword he once possessed, the Demon Sword “Soul Crusher”, is now in the possession of Jhade, his commander.[19] An army of dark elves, led by chieftain Luzeev, is also present somewhere in Adan. As governor of Adan, Jhade is cruel and seems to want to plunder the city of its riches and resources. He also murders a squad captain in cold, after the squad captain showed his discontent in the way Jhade was dealing with his position.[20] He summons Ashram to dispose of the corpse, which Ashram does. Once Ashram returns to his room, several men of the Order of the Knights of Darkness were waiting for him there. They don't like Jhade and wish for Ashram's return, but Ashram declines.

 Southwest of Adan, the Valisian army is preparing for Adan. Parn leads the mercenaries, in front of them the vanguard of the Order of Holy Knights pave the way. Etoh and his Holy Knights are set to arrive several days later. Parn hopes to have solved everything before Etoh arrives. When they meet the enemy army, which includes dark fae, such as kobolds and ogres, the battle begins. The Valisian army seems to gain the initial upperhand, but the tide changes when dark elves appear among the enemy force. The dark elves manage to kill a general of the Holy Knights. The Valisian decides to draw back. Later, Slayn proposes an idea to deal with the dark elves. That night, the enemy prisoners escaped from the Valis camp and tunics and armour, belonging to the Holy Knights, were stolen.[21]

 When Jhade returns from the battlefield he tells Ashram that his forces killed a Valisian general and that he uncovered some intel: his escapees learned that Etoh was going to lead the next battle from the frontline. Jhade orders Ashram to attend the next battle. When Ashram goes to his room, he meets Groder. Ashram decides to ask Groder why he helped him at Fire Dragon Mountain. Groder responds he believes Ashram is needed for Marmo's future. He doesn't trust the Marmo Council, and believes his former master Wagnard only serves goals of his own interest, which is to resurrect Kardis, using the Staff of Life, the Soul Crystal Ball and a "doorway", whose meaning still eludes him. Groder also informs that the people are having a growing desire to turn against Jhade.[22] Meanwhile, the Valisians have started to move again, with Parn dressed as Etoh, and Deedlit dressed as Fianna. The soldiers who had escaped earlier, were fed misinformation. Eventually, the dark elves appear. Though they use an Invisibility spell, Deedlit is able to spot them due to the grass moving. Slayn casts a storm spell, which reveals the dark elves. Though Parn struggles against one of them, and is hit by one of their poisoned daggers, all dark elves are eventually killed, except one.[23]

 When the dark elf returns, he informs Jhade that he struck Etoh, whom Parn was dressed as, with a poisonous dagger and that the wound is lethal. Jhade rejoices, but Ashram has doubts about the validity of the claim. In the Valisian camp, Etoh and his Holy Knights have arrived. Slayn suggests to Etoh to wear emblems of mourning during the next battle. Though he tells Etoh, who is not aware of Slayn's previous ploy, that this is for the fallen general, in truth it is to ensure the enemy believes King Etoh has indeed fallen.[24] When the final battle begins, Jhade's forces fight with confidence, but are surprised to meet a vigorously and energetic Valisian army. Jhade sends Ashram into the battle. On his way, Ashram spots several mercenaries heading to Jhade. Though initially intent on ignoring them, he quickly chases after them when he recognizes their commander: Parn.[25] Parn is surprised to see Ashram still alive. The two engage in a duel, in which Ashram proves far superior and all Parn can do is go on the defensive. The duel attracts the interest of the soldiers around them. At some point during the duel, Ashram changes his stance, which Parn believes means Ashram invites him to attack. Parn believes he can outquicken Ashram with a thrust, but the Black Knight expected Parn to make such a move, repels it, and quickly draws a dagger to Parn's neck, winning the duel. He then orders his men to retreat and tells himself Kashue is next. Meanwhile, Valis has beaten Marmo. Jhade returns to his headquarters, but nobody opens the doors for him—the people of Adan have taken their city back from him. Jhade tries to flee, but notices King Etoh and his forces incoming, thus he has no way to escape. He challenges Etoh to a duel, but Etoh refuses. Etoh tells Jhade that his fate rests in the hands of the people of Adan and that if he treated them well he should be fine. Now that Adan has been retaken, the whole army is in good spirits, except for Parn. Just like Ashram previously, he feels defeated and vows not to lose to Ashram again.[26]

 In a village in Kanon, near the Nazaar mountains, a man named Carson, along with other men, is working on a field, until he is summoned to meet the village's governor, Shana, a Marmo woman of the Order of the Knights of Darkness. She tells Carson that the council has imposed a double payment. Carson says this demand is impossible. Shana says she will be relieved of her position if the condition isn't met, and the one who replaces her comes from Shordel, the Supreme Priest of Phalaris. There is also another way to prevent this: to deal with a group who call themselves the Kanon free army who live in the mountains. At the end of the meeting, Shara and Carson embrace each other.

 Elsewhere, Parn and his companions are travelling to Kanon through the mountains, when they are suddenly attacked by enemies. Believing them to be Marmo, Parn tells them they want to join Marmo, but are subsequently attacked because of this claim. Parn says he was lying, but to no avail as he engages in a fight with the leader. When Parn is beaten, again, the enemy says they are the Kanon free army, decide to trust Parn, and take him and his party to their hideout—a cave carved into the side of the mountain.[27] He learns that the leader of the group is a man named Garryl, and the man who bested him goes by the name Zapp. Zapp tells Parn he was impressed with him during their fight, though Parn laments being beaten too easily. Zapp also tells Parn he is fit to be a king. At that point, they notice Marmo soldiers led by Shana, and with Carson among them. The Kanon free army ambushes them, and ultimately emerges victorious. Carson, however, in his duel with Zapp, felt like he recognized the man.[28]

 When Shana and her men return to the village, they find a dark priest called Lognar, in the presence of his manticore Skrang—Lognar has been appointed the new governor of the village. It quickly becomes clear Lognar doesn't care about the village and he calls Shana a traitor for having a relationship with Carson of Kanon and not dealing with the mountain bandits. Lognar eventually takes out Shana, and Carson, who realizes he is powerless, drops his sword and leaves. Lognar asks Skrang to return his sword to him, and spy on him. Carson tells some fellow men he is going to meet a person in the mountains who will restore their kingdom. He then spots Skrang, who hands him his sword. The demon beast must've heard what he said to the men, but Carson doesn't worry about it, since its just a beast. When Carson meets with the Kanon free army, he calls Zapp Prince Reona, and Zapp acknowledges he is indeed Reona, the third prince of Kanon. Carson explains what happened to the village, and that it now is under the governance of Lognar and his manticore. Slayn says manticore's can use dark magic (thus have the ability to speak). Carson is shocked to hear this. Then, the manticore is spotted again, flying away to his master to inform him of Carson and Prince Reona. In response, Reona readies for battle.[29]

 When Skrang informs Lognar of Reona, Lognar makes preparations to kill Reona to improve his prestige within the empire. He decides to use the villagers as hostage and releases Shana and tells her she can redeem herself by killing Carson and Reona. Marmo soldiers, mostly warrior priests from Shordel's private army, had already gathered.

 Meanwhile, Parn and the others had gathered among the trees on the edge of the village. Maar had investigated the village and found the villagers held hostage in a large warehouse. Deedlit and Maar, using the invisibility spell, sneak into the village to try and free them. Shortly after that, the manticore finds the party and engages in battle with them. Slayn casts a spell on the creature, trapping it in a magic net, while Carson and Parn attack it with their swords. The creature heals itself by sapping life force from Carson and Parn, but as the battle continues, it is eventually killed.[30] The sound of battle attracts Lognar and his army, who approach Parn and the others. Hobb does some healing, while Slayn is sent to hide in the bushes for ambush magic. The two parties meet and engage in battle. When Lognar sees Skrang's deceased body he becomes enraged and tells his men to tear the enemy apart. Slayn, still hidden, then casts a fireball spell and Hobb sings the War Song, but the enemy appears to be too powerful. At that moment, Reona, Garryl and their men finally arrive. The enemy is eventually beaten, until only Lognar remains. The dark priest threatens that all villagers will be killed, unless he is allowed to walk away alive. Reona bluffs that in war there are always casualties and orders his men to capture and kill Lognar. Lognar accepts his fate and Reona kills him. Then, to everyone's surprise, Shana emerges—she and all the villagers are safe. They were freed by her, Deedlit and Maar when many of the guards left their posts because of the battle.[31]

 Following the victory, Carson and Shana both resign as knights, so they can be together. Reona again tells Parn that he sees in him a good king, but Parn again declines. He believes he is meant to walk the path of a warrior. The villagers welcomed the return of their king. Some days later, Shana and Carson move with the villagers to Flaim, escorted by Garryl and the free army. They carry with them a letter written by Slayn to King Kashue, requesting the king to welcome the villagers and that he wished to accept the post of court mage. Slayn then decides to say his goodbyes to Parn and the others.[32]

Characters appearing[]


Artwork from the novel.


  1. 1.0 1.1 KADOKAWA, "ロードス島戦記 5 王たちの聖戦"
  2. KADOKAWA, "新装版 ロードス島戦記 5 王たちの聖戦"
  3. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 13 (fan translation).
  4. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 14 (fan translation).
  5. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 24 (fan translation).
  6. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 26 (fan translation).
  7. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 40 (fan translation).
  8. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 50 (fan translation).
  9. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 57 (fan translation).
  10. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 59 (fan translation).
  11. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 62 (fan translation).
  12. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 76 (fan translation).
  13. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 91 (fan translation).
  14. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 97 (fan translation).
  15. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 104 (fan translation).
  16. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 114 (fan translation).
  17. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 118 (fan translation).
  18. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 137 (fan translation).
  19. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 144 (fan translation).
  20. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 147 (fan translation).
  21. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 163 (fan translation).
  22. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 169 (fan translation).
  23. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 176 (fan translation).
  24. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 181 (fan translation).
  25. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 184 (fan translation).
  26. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 194 (fan translation).
  27. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 210 (fan translation).
  28. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 226 (fan translation).
  29. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 244 (fan translation).
  30. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 254 (fan translation).
  31. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 265 (fan translation).
  32. Mizuno, R. Record of Lodoss War: The Kings’ Holy War, page 276 (fan translation).